Ebony Macassar lumber wood, Diospyros discolor (celebica) lumber for woodworking

Ebony Macassar // Diospyros discolor (celebica)

Hard and heavy with a very fine texture, typically displays a stripe pattern of black and tan. Takes a high glossy finish. Saw dust may irritate some people.
color of Ebony Macassar
Color Range
Black with yellowish or reddish brown streaks.
other names for Ebony Macassar
Other Names
Indian ebony, Camagon, Tendu, Coromandel, Temru, Calamander wood, Tunki
uses for Ebony Macassar
Some Typical Uses
Handles, high end furniture, inlay, accessories, veneers, musical instruments
the Ebony Macassar tree
What's the Tree Like?
The small tree attains an average height of about 50 feet, and a diameter of about 16 inches. Boles are often straight and clear from branches for 8 to 15 feet.
Ebony Macassar grows in Southeast Asia
map of where Ebony Macassar grows


lbs /Bd. Ft.
67.60% heavier than red oak (3.58 /bd. ft.)


Janka Rating
149.61% harder than red oak (1290 psi)


Specific Gravity
39.06% more dense than red oak (.64)

General Workability
Somewhat Difficult 7/10
Red Oak

Wood Texture
V. Fine 1/10
Red Oak

Ease of Finishing
Easy 1/10
Red Oak