Ambrosia Maple // Acer rubrum
This wood charm you with the way it captures the essence of nature at work. Ambrosia maple is a type that's displays a patchwork pattern of stunning gray streaks infused with maple's usual clear white color and plain grain. It's an astonishing effect provided by beetles and the wood gives you a whole new outlet of creativity. Don't worry, we've kiln-dried it and evicted all bugs.
Color Range
Cream white with irregular streaks of gray, dark brown, tan or black
Other Names
Ambrosia Maple, Beetle Maple, Maple, Red maple, Scarlet maple, Soft maple, Tiger maple, Wormy maple
Some Typical Uses
Furniture, cabinets, an decorative projects
What's the Tree Like?
Ambrosia maple isn't necessarily a specific tree, but an effect on the appearance of the wood of the Red or Soft Maple tree that's been infested by the Ambrosia beetle. The infestation results in numerous gray fungus streaks and discolorations.Ambrosia Maple grows in North America

lbs /Bd. Ft.General Workability
Wood Texture
Ease of Finishing
Maple Ambrosia 4/4 Lumber Pack: 6 Boards, Choose Your Size
$149.00 /Pack
Maple Ambrosia 8/4 Lumber Pack: 3 Boards, Choose Your Size
$159.00 /Pack