Mahogany Genuine // Swietenia macrophylla
Elevate your woodworking with the luxurious, reddish-brown hues and fine, straight grain of genuine mahogany. Effortless to machine, carve, and sand, plus it’s ideal for heirloom-quality furniture and gorgeous accent projects.Elegance

Color Range
Yellowish brown to reddish or orange brown.
Other Names
Acajou, Acajou Amerique, Aguano, Belize mahogany, Big leafed mahogany, Bigleaf mahogany, Caguano, Cao, Caoba, Caoba de Atlantico, Caobilla, Chiculte, Cobano, Gateado, Honduras mahogany, Mahogany, Mara
Some Typical Uses
Furniture, cabinets, guitars and other musical instruments, interiors, boat building, pattern making, trim, entry doors, stairs.
What's the Tree Like?
A massive tree with a beautiful canopy, this tree grows to over 150 feet with trunk diameter over 72" above large buttresses.Mahogany Genuine grows in Latin America

lbs /Bd. Ft.General Workability
Wood Texture
Ease of Finishing
Genuine Mahogany 4/4 Lumber Pack: 6 Boards, Choose Your Size
Genuine Mahogany 8/4 Lumber Pack: 3 Boards, Choose Your Size
9 pc Exotic Cutting Board Strips Assortment Kit 1.75"x1.75"x18"
$179.00 $149.00 /Pack