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Reviews for Mahogany African Ribbon Paper Back Veneer Sheet - 4' x 8' Roll

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2 Reviews
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5 / 5
June 30th, 2011
Ny usa
mahogany veneer
It is difficult for me to convey in temperate language the plethora of emotions that nearly overwhelmed me when I took delivery of the mahogany veneer you were kind enough to allow me to purchase. While your vivid and detailed descriptions of the preparation of my order led me to expect a product of high quality, I was moved nearly to tears of joy when I was able to view this exquisite specimen in all its Meliacaenean splendor! The scales have been struck from my eyes: I can only now fully appreciate the fervor and passion with which you and your colleagues prepared my order, and my heretofore dubious view of (and puzzlement regarding) the cathexis with which you purvey your wares is now forever banished to that same repository wherein reside the boyish naivetés and youthful misapprehensions that once limited my perceptions of all that is beautiful and good in life. Thank you for allowing me to partake of the resplendent glory of this veneer, and I trust you will forgive the callowness with which I approached your brilliant and entertaining descriptions of its journey from the heavenly precincts of your establishment to the rather more mundane province of my humble workshop. I will try to make myself worthy of this veneer’s time with me. I cannot claim to “own” it â€" can one “own” a sunset? I can only count myself fortunate to have been its caretaker and companion during its time with me, and can someday go to my grave content that it will survive me, bringing joy to the generations that will follow.
5 / 5
April 8th, 2009
Des Moines IA U.S.
I got 8 sheets and every one was absolutely perfect. Like the paparbacked veneer it's easy to use. I can have my panels ready to rock in about 3 minutes.