Teak // Tectona grandis
The luxury yacht of hardwood: teak's rich color, natural oils, durability, and workability make it the only choice for luxurious, long-lasting custom furniture that ages gracefully with minimal maintenance.Unmatched exterior performance
Exquisite beaty
Low maintenance

Color Range
Dark golden yellow turning dark brown with age.
Other Names
Burma teak, Rosawa, Djati, Sagon, Genuine teak, Sagwan, Gia thi, Tadi
Some Typical Uses
Furniture, flooring, carving, cabinets, interior millwork, turnery, shipbuilding, and exterior and marine applications.
What's the Tree Like?
This tree may reach 130-150 feet in height with clear boles to 80-90 feet. Trunk diameters usually 3-5 feet; older trees fluted and buttressed.Teak grows in Southeast Asia