Knotty Alder // Alnus rubra
Lumber contains tight, sound knots throughout. A soft, relatively low-strength, straight-grained, even-textured wood. Works well with hand and machine tools, but sharp cutting edges need to be maintained to prevent tearing the grain. The wood is rarely wider than 6 due to the small size of the trees.
Color Range
Pale Yellow to Reddish Brown with dark knots
Other Names
Alder, Oregon alder, Pacific coast alder, Red alder, Western alder
Some Typical Uses
Rustic furniture, entry doors, moldings, turning, carving, toys, plywood, veneer, cabinets, musical instruments.
What's the Tree Like?
A relatively small tree, reaching about 50ft in height and producing a trunk in diameter up to 15".Knotty Alder grows in North America

lbs /Bd. Ft.General Workability
Wood Texture
Ease of Finishing
Alder Knotty 4/4 Lumber Pack: 6 Boards, Choose Your Size
$79.00 $55.00 /Pack