Natural Maple // Acer saccharum
Expect a dramatic display of natural color with white sapwood, brown heartwood, dark mineral streaks and wild knots. Natrual maple is our description of the hard maple that’s separated from Hard White Maple for color mix, figure and character. This is for those who want something totally unexpected and different - in turn, natural maple costs less and offers an eccentric experience!
Color Range
Creamy white to yellowish or pale tan with dark brown bands and streaks. The variety of inconsistent color gives it a rustic, or country, appearance.
Other Names
Brown Hard maple, Rustic Maple, Rock maple, Sugar maple
Some Typical Uses
Furniture, flooring, industrial parts, desks, cabinetry, doors, cutting boards, small boxes and accessories
What's the Tree Like?
Also called Hard Rock Maple or Sugar Maple. Produces sweet sap used to make maple syrup. Matures at heights of 90-120 feet with a trunk 24-36.Natural Maple grows in North America

lbs /Bd. Ft.General Workability
Wood Texture
Ease of Finishing
Natural Hard Maple 4/4 Lumber Pack: 6 Boards, Choose Your Size
$99.00 /Pack