Black Palm // Borassus flabellifer
Has a medium texture, but it is not uniform. The woody material comes from the outer layer of the tree, rendering the pieces usually rather small. It's prone to splintering when working with the material, so use caution.Color Range
Black and cream or white, typically in a unique interlocked pattern that's visually reminiscent to television staticOther Names
Black Palm, Palmyra Palm, coconutSome Typical Uses
Musical instruments, decorative turnings, handles, inlayWhat's the Tree Like?
A tall, narrow tree commonly thought of as a coconut tree. Can be up to 100 feet tall, but just 2' feet in diameter. Black palm trees are just about the opposite of hardwood trees. It's a monocotyledon without growth rings, and the center of the tree is soft, punky and watery. The woody material is actually extracted from the outer layer of the tree.Black Palm grows in Southeast Asia