First Place: Contemporary Counter Stool
by Bill Barrand
Woods used: Quartered Amara Ebony, Quilted Sapele, Mahogany
Bill’s project appears to blossom like a flower, the bent ebony and sapele support legs rising from petal-like mahogany feet. His striking choice of woods, unusual design, and flawless clear finish rose to the top of the list by earning the most votes in this contest.
Prize: JET Benchtop Spindle Sander, Tenryu Gold Medal Table Saw Blade
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Second Place: Puzzle Seat Bar Stool
by John Porter
Woods used: Walnut, Quilted Maple, Ebony
John’s stool uses a turned segmented ring for the foot rest and for the seat base. The seat is attached to barstool swivel hardware, and the seat itself is hard to miss. He scrolled a puzzle from a piece of highly figured quilted maple, glued it back together, and put a bead of ebony around it.
Prize: Fein MultiMaster, Imperial Blades 3pc Set, Tenryu Gold Medal Table Saw Blade
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Third Place: Swivel Musician’s Stool
by Barry Richardson
Woods used: Cherry, Walnut
Look close. The the four forked legs come together perfectly at the segmented base that hides a seat swivel inside — and there’s no small amount of hours put into the shaping and sculpting of these perfect cherry legs with chocolate-dipped feet. The seat diameter is over 18″, and was gently scooped and turned on the lathe. Check out the foot rest, it’s another segmented turning with butterfly keys at four major joints.
Prize: Bora Track Clamp, Tenryu Gold Medal Table Saw Blade
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Fourth Place: Sculpted Walnut Barstool
by Eric Larsen
Woods used: Walnut
Making a few nods to the styles of chair makers Sam Maloof and Scott Morrison, Eric pulled no punches when he sculpted this barstool. All the joints blend and curve into the surrounding wood giving the illusion that this stool was whittled out of a single chunk of a walnut tree – but not so. Ebony plugs accent the strength of the joinery and endear the hidden screws. Untold hours and days of grinding, scraping and sanding went into this piece. In the end, the entire piece, complete with arm rests, invite the dusty craftsman to sit down and drink a well-deserved cold one.
Prize: Kreg Jig K5 with Screw Kit
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Fifth Place: Tractor Seat Short Stool
by Brett Eichmann
Materials used: Walnut, steel
The chunk of walnut Brett used in his seat came from, in his words, “A Craigslist find on my road trip across Nebraska. This guy had a couple of walnut logs his wife wanted gone. I offered him twenty bucks. He wanted more than that. He looked at his wife, he looked at the twenty bucks, and, well, the wood is mine!” Brett dimpled the seat to give it a tooled leather look, each dimple painstakingly placed with a rotary carver. One at a time.
Prize: Kreg Set UP Bars
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Sixth Place: Toadstool
by Paul Porter
Woods used: Ash
Surely this one earns the humor award, too: a toadstool shaped sitting stool? This stool is about 15″ tall, and turned from a solid chunk of ash – yes, it’s heavy. Paul bleached the entire piece, then dyed the top with fabric dye, then limed the open ash grain with white wax for a rather cunning representation of a toadstool. Paul snaked this wood from an ash tree that came down in a neighborhood near 7th Ave and Bethany Home Road in Phoenix.
Prize: Whiteside 3-pc Router Bit Set for undersized plywood
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Seventh Place: Wine Barrel Bar Stool
by Michael McKovich
Woods used: Wine barrel staves, quarter sawn white oak
Mike salvaged some oak barrel staves and added a bit of his own quarter sawn oak to complete this bar stool that will no doubt find a home in a wine-lover’s hangout. Lag bolts secure the joints and a steel band for a foot rest ensure this stool will get through the test of time.
Prize: Taunton Press Book: Furniture and Cabinet Construction
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Eighth Place: Milking Stool
by Ryan Nelson
Woods used: Walnut, olive
The photos might deceive your eyes, but this stool just a about 14″ tall. In size and style it draws on the type of stool you might use when you’re milking a cow. Classic through-tenons join the legs to the seat, and a series of lap joints connect the lower rails. Ryan found a piece of locally cut olive to use as the center of the seat.
Prize: Taunton Press DVD, Small Tool Cabinet with Garrett Hack
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Ninth Place: Three-Legged Stool
by Brianna Voron
Woods used: Pecan
The symmetry in Brianna’s project makes it shine. The seat is a perfect round with squared edges, the legs turned dead-straight without embellishment. She also applied a Danish oil to the lower half of the legs to set them apart. The proportions, gentle raked and splayed legs, and the mineral-streaked piece of pecan all come together for a strong impression and a great looking piece of furniture.
Prize: Taunton Press Plans: Arts & Crafts Coffee Table Plans
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Tenth Place: Arts & Crafts Dressing Stool
by Robert Zicafoose
Woods used: Quarter sawn white oak
It takes a certain amount of courage to submit a wood stool with a leather-cushioned seat to a woodworking contest, but if you do take a leaf from Bob’s book. The Arts & Crafts style of the late 1800’s stands the test of time and furniture made in the genre leans on the craftsman’s touch to end up with a beautiful and well-executed piece of furniture. Bob pulled it off with just-right proportions (e.g., thinner vertical slats, nice rail heights, and squared legs), minor details (e.g., chamfered exposed tenons, beveled tops of the legs), and a classic dark mission finish.
Prize: Taunton Press Books: Handmade Furniture; Designing Furniture
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