Ipe lumber wood, Tabebuia spp lumber for woodworking

Ipe // Tabebuia spp

This is one strong, tough, and resilient wood. Ipe's naturally durable and weather resistant so it's fantastic in outdoor projects. Plus, the rich dark color makes great accents and finishes with gorgeous hints of reddish brown tones - Ipe wood is unlike anything else.
color of Ipe
Color Range
Light to dark olive brown with greenish caste, often with lighter or darker streaks.
other names for Ipe
Other Names
Amapa prieta, Bastard lignum vitae, Bethabara, Canaguate, Cortez, Ebano verde, Ebene vert, Greenhart, Guayacan, Ipe, Ironwood, Lapacho, Lapacho negro, Pau d'Arco, Polvillo, Tajibo
uses for Ipe
Some Typical Uses
Furniture, flooring, industrial uses, tool handles, exterior applications, decking, inlay, furniture parts.
the Ipe tree
What's the Tree Like?
May grow to 140-150 feet in height with trunk diameters of 72" and frequently to heights of 100 feet and diameters of 24-36". Boles are clear to 60 feet and more, with or without buttresses.
Ipe grows in Latin America
map of where Ipe grows


lbs /Bd. Ft.
60.61% heavier than red oak (3.58 /bd. ft.)


Janka Rating
172.09% harder than red oak (1290 psi)


Specific Gravity
42.19% more dense than red oak (.64)

General Workability
Somewhat Difficult 7/10
Red Oak

Wood Texture
Fine 4/10
Red Oak

Ease of Finishing
Easy 2/10
Red Oak